Ghép hình ảnh người phụ nữ trẻ hiện lên với nét đẹp thanh tao, đứng giữa khung cảnh mang đậm hơi thở truyền thống châu Á với AI. Trang phục truyền thống nhẹ nhàng ôm lấy dáng hình, gợi lên sự hài hòa giữa con người và thiên nhiên. Không gian xung quanh, từ những tán cây xanh mướt đến những chi tiết kiến trúc cổ kính, tất cả đều như hòa quyện, tôn lên vẻ đẹp thuần khiết và dịu dàng của nhân vật chính.
Lời nhắc (Promt):
RC Hoang,Vietnamese,hot girl Clothes Fashion 141,This is a high-resolution photograph featuring a young East Asian woman standing outdoors, likely in a traditional Asian setting. She has fair skin, long black hair styled in a simple, straight manner, and is wearing a traditional Chinese cheongsam dress in a deep teal color with intricate blue floral patterns. The dress has a high collar and long sleeves with a slight flare at the cuffs. Around her neck, she wears a simple, gold choker necklace. In her right hand, she holds a bouquet of three large, pink lotus flowers, which are symbolic of purity and beauty in Asian culture. The lotus flowers have green stems and are held delicately, with the leaves and petals facing outward. The background shows a traditional wooden structure with white walls and wooden beams, suggesting a rural or historical setting. There is a small balcony or ledge to the left of the woman, with a railing made of wood or stone. The lighting is soft and natural, likely indicating a daytime shoot, which enhances the serene and peaceful atmosphere of the photograph. The overall composition is balanced, with the subject centered and the background providing a sense of place and context.
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Nguồn : RC Hoang